Interview with Sneha Pradeep | Insync Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation

We invited Sneha Pradeep from Insync Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation for an interview with Most Popular Stories to know more about her entrepreneurial journey.

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your journey as an entrepreneur

I’m Sneha Pradeep, a physiotherapist from Bangalore. I studied in Thane and completed my bachelors and masters in KLE University, Belgaum. My journey in the field of healthcare began with curiosity. The human body always intrigued me. And this interest kept building in me as I upgraded my knowledge and skills. Before I knew it, the art of healing had become my passion. The marvels of physiotherapy left me in wonder.

I’ve been a part of this field since its growth from “physiotherapy is just massage” to “you need physiotherapy for everything”.

Then I met my husband who shared the same passion as me. We started our entrepreneurial journey together with our clinic “Insync Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation” at Bangalore. The journey since then has been a joyful, eye-opening adventure – all I can say is Insync has been one of our best decisions.

2. Why did you choose entrepreneurship over a job?

I believe that I have a unique approach to healthcare. I prefer taking the path less travelled. Entrepreneurship gives you the liberty to explore and implement your beliefs into action because you take the sole responsibility for your decisions.

Moreover, I see a tremendous gap in what we learn as medical students and what we experience as health professionals. Entrepreneurship is my way to bridge this gap and promote this powerful profession to as many as possible to the best of my abilities.

3. What was the vision behind it?

Our vision is to actively shed patriarchal approach to healthcare. To encourage individuals to live a holistic life. To not let health conditions burden you – instead commit to change yourself and conquer your limitations. Our vision is to empower everyone to redefine their lives so they can live up to their highest potential.

4. Describe the services that you offer to your customers and in what way they are unique?

We have a team of highly skilled physiotherapists, exercise physiologists and recovery therapists who deal with pain management; rehabilitation of orthopaedic, neurological & sports injuries; strength & conditioning; athletic training at the recreational & elite level; and sports massage. We work alongside nutritionists and psychologists to implement overall well-being.

We work as a team with an aim to accurately identify the root cause of a condition and focus not just on relieving the symptoms but also to empower the individual to prevent/ manage a recurrence independently. 

Our service does not end in a 1-hour session. It extends beyond that through constant research, critical analysis and improvisation so that each session is utilized to its best. Based on all the information we receive, we specifically personalize our patient’s plan of care to help them achieve their goals.

5. What difficulties have you faced or are you facing?

The most difficult challenge initially, was to set in a structure to the organization. Another was getting the right candidates who understand our vision. But time has been a powerful teacher to overcome these challenges. We have also been blessed by wonderful mentors who guided us through these obstacles.

6. How do you handle the pressure and manage stress?

We often lose ourselves along the entrepreneurial journey. Personally, I ensure at least 30 minutes of self-time every morning which includes meditation, reading and simply tracking my thought process. This gives me a powerful kick start to lead my day with clarity & purpose. 

7. How many hours a day do you work on average & can you describe/outline your typical day?

As we had a lean team, I ended up working for 12-14 hours initially. But since our team has been growing, my schedule has gotten more flexible. I now get to focus more on what I do best – helping people heal and conquer their limitations. 

8. In your opinion, what are the keys to success?

I used to believe success can be achieved only with consistency, determination and hard work. But now I have realized, these three qualities can mean nothing if you aren’t calm and balanced within. So the first stop is within. Balance within yourself automates your thoughts & actions towards your vision.

9. What advice would you give to someone starting out as an aspiring entrepreneur?

Don’t fall into the downward spiral of overworking to chase success during the initial struggles of the journey. While it takes a lot more effort, it is imperative to manage your time so you get some quiet time with yourself to reflect. It helps to stay inspired and to remain true to your vision. Trust yourself, trust the process – there are endless lessons to be learnt and limitless opportunities to grab. After all, entrepreneurship is a journey.

Email: [email protected]



We also had an Interview with Damini Grover a counselling pshycologist, learn more about her remarkable journey, vision, and plans for the future here.

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